Dentacare Clinic - Bangkok, Thailand

Plasma Cool - Light Tooth Whitening

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Teeth whitening, or tooth bleaching, is a cosmetic dentistry procedure designed to remove stains and discoloration, as well as lighten pigmentation within the teeth. Plasma tooth whitening is one method that can be used to this end. It takes approximately an hour and a half to whiten the teeth with the plasma and the procedure is performed in a cosmetic dentist's office.

Plasma Cool-light Tooth Whitening : We make it different !
All tooth whitening procedures use hydrogen peroxide or carbamidem to bleach enamel, but this is where the similarity ends when comparing standard bleaching procedures such as whitening performed with a light cure to plasma whitening. Plasma whitening is superior to all other whitening techniques since

1. plasma whitening products contain the highest concentration
2. the plasma provides the highest light intensity available
3. the procedure is done in the office at chairside

The Plasma Tooth Whitening Procedure
The cosmetic dentist begins plasma tooth whitening by cleaning the teeth to remove plaque. Once the plaque has been removed, a peroxide-based gel is applied onto the teeth and the plasma is used to activate the gel and initiate the whitening process. Depending on the amount of discoloration, the procedure may need to be repeated in another session.

Cost of Plasma Cool-light Tooth Whitening
The cost of plasma tooth whitening will depend on how many sessions are required to achieve the desired level of whiteness and the area of the city in which it is performed. On average, cost of plasma whitening will be around THB 12,000.

D E N T A C A R E   C L I N I C

1010/18-20 Rama IV Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500

 (662)2357755, (662)6338877, (6686)3044545

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